Monday, February 13, 2012

Dr. Whole Foods, M.D.

I was shopping at Whole Foods market today, buying some organic vegetables when I saw my emergency room doctor right next to me buying his own! Now, stop, for just one moment and really chew on what I just wrote. An ER doctor was buying organic fruits and veggies! What does that say? He remembered me and I told him I had reversed my high blood pressure and high cholesteral with the organic foods. He smiled a huge smile and said, 'that's great'!

In our society, we are raised to believe doctors are almost God like, never to be questioned for the most part. And they do indeed have a job that can border on miraculous with some of the incredible things they do to save lives. But why are they not recommending healthy foods as medicine, rather than just automatically defaulting to giving drugs to treat the body? It's because they are trained that way. It's rare for doctors to get more than a few hours or days on nutrition while they are in medical school. And the pharmaceutical companies have to love that, because it's their pills, drugs and medications the doctors are prescribing to patients. And don't kid yourself, there is serious money in pharmaceutical drugs in America. I believe Lipitor has made something like 16 billion dollars and is the most commercially successful drug of all time.

But many famous and renowned doctors are switching sides. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Colin Campell, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Joel Furhman and many others are recommending healthy foods as a lifestyle choice. So, to quote a favorite R&B group, The Impressions, 'people get ready, there's a train a' comin' and you don't need no passengers to get on board'!

Ranman snack picture of the day: avocado dip with almonds, curry powder, oregano, thyme and salsa. With corn chips. All organic.

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