Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Becoming your doctor within

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”-Hippocrates.

Did you know that the Internet is the new TV? Were you aware that you tube has more people watching it daily than all the major American TV networks combined? What if I told you that you could watch medical doctors and other health professionals talk for free, often for an hour or more, without making an appointment and paying a ton of money, just by typing in some words on you tube. So we have incredible technology at our fingertips (or keyboards :).

It's unprecedented. Start small. Type in areas that interest you. Since our country has the highest rate of disease in the world, I wanted to know about obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, organic foods, exercise, doctor lectures on health, etc. It's a way to start educating yourself. And that's the beginning of getting to a healthy lifestyle. Once you stop listening to commercials, billboard ads, radio spots and advertising, you can fine tune becoming knowledgeable about your health. That's taking your power back.

Ranman desert picture of the day: pineapple, banana, yogurt with maple syrup, granola, cinnamon and nutmeg. All organic.

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