Saturday, February 18, 2012

Choosing the choices

This one made me think for awhile.
"Obesity, diabetes, heart disease & high-blood pressure are all diet-related health issues that cost this country more than $120 billion each year". First Lady Michelle Obama
With such devastating statistics like this, it makes you wonder why people don't heed that knowledge and make a healthier change. But once you get out of the home, what do you see? Everywhere, within easy access, are restaurants, drive throughs, stands, convenience stores and markets filled with food that will eventually (in my opinion) make you part of the above statistics.

We grow up trusting our government to make sure our food supply is safe and healthy. And it takes work to read between the lines. You start reading food labels and you start seeing allot of stuff that ain't so good for you. But this is all part of the new educational process that is going viral on the internet. People are getting smart about this stuff.

Getting a big picture on your health involves lots of choices. And choosing the choices that are healthy for you can only benefit you and your life. The results are astonishing if you'll give them a chance. 

Ranman dinner picture of the day: garlic, white onions, red bell pepper, asparagus, zucchini, brown rice, tamari and teriaki sauce, sunflower seeds and cashew nuts. All organic. 

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