Sunday, January 29, 2012

Health hath no shortcut

Driving to the store. Buying the healthy food. Preparing it. Doing the dishes after eating it. It's definitely much easier just to pay for drive through or go to a restaurant or even get something to go. But what has the easy way out got us? America is the most diseased country on the planet. With skyrocketing rates of heart disease and cancer. How long can we continue to take the 'shortcuts' with foods that are making us sick?

Nothing is free, especially your health insurance. Catastrophic illness is the number one cause for bankruptcy in our nation. For the 30+ million Americans who don't have health insurance, this is akin to having one foot on the banana peel and one foot in the grave, financial wise.

Like anything in life, it takes work to achieve good health. And there is not shortcut to good health habits. But there sure is for disease.

Ranman breakfast picture of the day: Buckwheat pancakes with blueberries, raspberries, bananas, granola, maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg. All organic.

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