Monday, March 5, 2012

How far down does the rabbit hole go?

 'We get free lunches from the pharmaceutical companies so we'll keep pushing their drugs to patients'. My friend is a public health student at a very famous university in the U.S. But she's not a doctor. But those free lunches include her as well. Hmmm. I often hear about doctor's receiving money, vacations and gifts from pharmaceutical companies to continue to refer their patients to their drugs. You don't think those samples your doctor recommended 'just happened to land there in the drawer on their own', do ya? When you hear about a drug like Lipitor making more than $16 billion dollars and called 'the most successful selling drug of all time', don't it make you wonder what the heck is going on? We know that over half of all Americans is on at least 4 medication drugs a day!

You'd have to be an ostrich with it's head in the sand to not realize something is very wrong. I've said it before, our great grandparents didn't take all these drugs, for they didn't exist. So what has happened with our population that has our doctors telling us we should take these?

Well, for one, we have the highest rate of heart disease in the world. The highest cancer rates. But nobody wants to know why. And if they do know the reasons (unhealthy diet and lack of exercise, of course), they refuse to change. I see people each day, never questioning the foods they put into their bodies. Just kind of happily wolfing down every piece of junk food they can get. Are they stupid? I don't believe so. But I believe we have been conditioned to eat this way since we were little kids. I think they know certain things are bad for them, but there's no immediate consequence to their bodies (that comes later), so the pattern continues. And the sicker we become.

We are, by nature, lazy. Why do more when we don't have to? You constantly hear 'moderation is key', but moderation is making us sick and killing many of us. How far down does the rabbit hole go?

Ranman lunch picture of the day: romaine and iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, red bell pepper, cashews, chia seeds and balsamic vinegar dressing. All organic.

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